
Disclosure pursuant to the Austrian Banking Act (BWG)

§ 5 par. 1 fig. 6 to 9a and 28a par. 5 fig. 1 to 5 BWG - Qualification Requirements for Members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board

The statutory Fit & Proper requirements for members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board as well as for holders of key functions are assessed on the basis of the Bank's internal guideline ("Fit & Proper Guideline"), which explains the principles for suitability assessment. Likewise, Fit & Proper trainings are held for the members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board as well as for the holders of key functions.


§ 29, 39c BWG - Nomination and Remuneration Committee

A nomination or remuneration committee of the supervisory board has not been established in VakifBank (§§ 29, 39c BWG).


39b and c Banking Act and Annex to § 39b Banking Act - Principles of the Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Committee

Compliance with the provisions of Sections 39b including annexure and 39c of the Banking Act is ensured by the Supervisory Board of VakifBank, which oversees the relevant remuneration policy, which is governed by the Remuneration Policy, which is used in the determination and application of remuneration practices.


64 par. 1 fig. 18 and 19 BWG - Extended disclosures in the notes to the annual financial statements regarding branches and return on total assets

All financial information listed in Section 64 (1) (18) and (19) BWG can be found in the Annual Report of VakifBank, which is available for download on our website.

Disclosure according to CRR

The disclosure pursuant to Art. 431-455 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR) can be downloaded below.